Saturday 4-5pm
Have you got a Brave Teddy Bear? Do you know someone with a soft but Daring Doll? Would you like to see your Teddy or Doll parachuting from the top of St Peter’s Church Tower?
If you answer is ‘Yes’ then we would like to invite you and your Teddy/Doll made of the ‘right stuff’ (soft and fluffy fabric) to join us at St Peter’s Church on Saturday 18th May 2024 when we will release the Teddies and Dolls from the top of the tower and you can watch them gently parachute down to the ground.
You can either design and make your own parachute at home and come along to the Church at 3.45pm , or alternatively you can join us at St Peter’s Church at 3.00pm where all the items you will need to make a parachute will be available. Between 4pm and 5pm The Teddies and Dolls will be taken aloft and launched by the organisers from the Church tower.
Rewards for Teddy Owners:
- Certificates for successful jumpers
- Prize for the slowest descent
- A large helping of fun and excitement

Teddy Rules:
- Teddies should weigh between 90g – 380g (3 – 13.5oz)
- Teddy owners stay on the ground – all bears will be released from the Church Tower by the event ‘Jumpmaster’
- Whilst every effort will be made to safely recover all the Brave Teddies/Daring Dolls who participate, event organisers cannot be held responsible for the vagaries of wind-gusts and parachute aerodynamics. It is possible that some brave bears may drift onto an adjacent rooftop or garden from where their recovery may be challenging. Alternatively, your brave bear may get injured on landing. Please bear this in mind when choosing your parachuting Teddy/Doll.
It’s FREE – there is no cost for Brave Bears / Daring Dolls to undertake their very daring jump.
To take part…
3pm – Parachute making in St Peter’s (if required)
3.45pm – Jump registration
4pm – Jumping commences
** The Teddy Bear Parachuting activity is dependent upon weather conditions, especially wind. In the event of poor conditions we hope to be replace the parachuting event with a ‘Teddy Bear Zip-Wire’ along the nave of the Church **
N.B. If your Teddy is injured Furst Aid will be on paw from the Paratedics and Teddymedics in the Tedical Centre.